
Achtung: die Pferde & Personen sind mit ihren Daten komplett erfunden und mögliche Übereinstimmungen oder Ähnlichkeiten sind zufällig.


Sunday Seeker xx - Another Day xx - Society Member xx


Missandei is a very friendly mare which loves the company of both people and other horses. She can be easily integrated nearly everywhere. The same uncomplicated horse can be found when it comes to the training. Missandei is very interested and open-minded to new training methods and loves challenges. She likes to do things right in the first place and waits for the comliments of her trainer. She has a lot of temper and enormous gaits which need to be trained constantly for her hopefully successful career in the flat racing world. Her size makes her not one of the smalles racehorses that ever existed but she is absolutely easy to handle as she is very sensitive, maybe a little too sensitive. She can feel the afraidness and other feelings of her raider why we prefer to have her trained and ridden by a very experienced jockey, who gives her safety and strengts.

Auszeichnungen & Errungenschaften

Zuchtbewertung vom Vesländischen Pferderegister

Gebäude: 6

Bewegung: 5

Rittigkeit: 10

Typ: 8

Gesamteindruck: 7

In Summe 36 Punkte

Gold Vielseitigkeit

Bei der Vesländischen Meisterschaft 2020 belegte Missandei den 1. Platz (Gold) bei der Vielseitigkeit.

Zucht- & Ausbildungsinformationen

Züchter: /

Vorbesitzer: /

Zuchtzulassung: intern & extern

Zugelassen für: Vollblutrassen mit gleichem Zuchtziel

Farbgenetik: Ee/Aa

Schwerpunkt: Galopprennen

Potential: Galopprennen & Vielseitigkeit Klasse M



Nationale & Internationale Turniererfolge


(45) 7 - 9 - 5




04 Maiden 6f, turf - Julian Brohm - Rennbahn Mayandor - 800

04 Maiden 8f, turf - Julian Brohm - Rennbahn Redbird - 4.000

03 Maiden 1500m, Sand - Julian Brohm - EZ Zahr - 2.000

02 Maiden 6f, turf - Julian Brohm - TS Fisterwil - 4.000

05 Maiden 6f, turf - Julian Brohm - Rennbahn Mayandor - 500

04 Maiden 1500m, Sand - Scott McNeal - EZ Zahr - 0

04 Maiden 11f, turf - Julian Brohm - TS Johannsen - 6.000

01 Maiden 9f, turf - Julian Brohm - TS Fisterwil - 5.000

03 Allowance 10f, turf - Julian Brohm - Rennbahn Redbird - 7.000

02 Allowance 9f, turf - Julian Brohm - TS Fisterwil - 8.000

04 Allowance 7f, turf - Julian Brohm - Rennbahn Redbird - 4.500

02 Allowance 1100m, Sand - Julian Brohm - EZ Zahr - 8.750

01 Allowance 12f, turf - Julian Brohm - VRH Treff - 18.000

01 UNG Miracle Wood S. 8f, dirt 3yo - Julian Brohm - INJC - 45.000

02 G3 Thisismydream Mittelstrecke 9f, turf - Julian Brohm - Rennbahn Redbird - 20.000

01 G3 Milow Lowrider Race 1600m, Sand - Julian Brohm - EZ Zahr - 29.250

03 G2 Marry Goodman Race 1700m, Sand - Julian Brohm - 6.000

02 G2 San Jacinto Turf S. 11f - Julian Brohm - ASC Masquerade Stables - 180.000

04 G2 Wichita Cup 20f - Julian Brohm - 0

01 G2 1700m - Julian Brohm - TS Summerland - 70.000

08 G1 Vesland Derby II - Julian Brohm - VRH Treff - 0

06 G1 Großer Preis von Almkirchen 9f, turf - Julian Brohm - 0

09 G1 Sandsofttime Run 9f, turf - Julian Brohm - 0

04 G1 Morning Glory Race 1800m, dirt - Julian Brohm - EZ Zahr - 0

02 G1 In Memory Cup 2500m, Sand - Julian Brohm - Rennstall Stocken - 30.000

07 G1 Beach Stakes 9f, turf - Julian Brohm - Rennbahn Mayandor - 0

06 G1 Homecoming Handicap 9f, turf - Julian Brohm - VRH Treff - 0

03 G1 1700m - Julian Brohm - TS Summerland - 50.000

02 G1 Final Handicap 9f, turf - Julian Brohm - VRH Treff - 18.000

01 G1 Final Handicap 9f, turf - Julian Brohm - 54.000

02 G1 1500m, Gras - Julian Brohm - TS Berger - 20.000

06 G1 Preakness S. 9f, dirt 3yo - Julian Brohm - ASJC 2016 - 0

02 G1 1700m - Julian Brohm - TS Summerland - 75.000

04 G1 Arlington Million XXXIV 10f, turf - Julian Brohm - ASJC 2016 - 60.000

05 UNG Classy N Smart S. 8.5f, dirt 3yo+ - Julian Brohm - 3.750

04 G1 Cotillion S. 8.5f, dirt 3yo+ - Julian Brohm - 60.000

06 G3 Fuji S. 8f, turf 3yo+ - Julian Brohm - 0

03 UNG New Mexico Classic Cup Rocky Gulch Championship 8f, dirt 3yo+ - Julian Brohm - 19.800

04 G1 2800m - Julian Brohm - TS Summerland - 0

05 G2 Mathis Brothers Mile 8f, turf 3yo only - Julian Brohm - ASJC 2016 - 6.000

01 G1 Island Hoppers Meet 8f 2yo+ - Julian Brohm - Nereus Riding Center - 117.647

07 UNG Zia Park Derby 8.5f, dirt 3yo only - Julian Brohm - ASJC 2016 - 0

08 G3 Claiming Crown Juwel 8.5f, dirt 3yo+ - Julian Brohm - 0

10 UNG Delta Mile S. 8f, dirt 3yo+ - Julian Brohm - 0

06 Maiden 15f, turf 4yo+ - Julian Brohm - ASJC January 2017 - 0



Hall of Fame

1030 Punkte


Hall of Fame

1646 Punkte


Hall of Masters

4748 Punkte

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